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Newsletter | June - August, 2014

Is It Really Just a Tooth Cleaning?

In studying early civilizations, researchers have found that there is evidence that those societies practiced some form of dental treatment. Throughout modern history there has been a constant debate on whether or not having your teeth cleaned (by the way the dental term for that is prophy) is just for cosmetic purposes or does it really contribute to your overall health. Recent studies have clearly and very decisively shown that dental cleanings are not just to make your smile brighter and your breath fresher. It really does contribute to the health of all systems in your body. When a dentist or hygienist is performing your “cleaning”, we aren’t just removing stain or food debris from your teeth. We are actually very gently going slightly under your gums into a small space where a lot of bacteria accumulate. This bacteria causes inflammation that results in bleeding gums. By the way, gums that bleed are neither normal nor healthy; this indicates that there is disease present. (yes, it is a disease) A hygienist I had the privilege of working with used to say to our patients, “if your skin bled every time you touched it you would be concerned, right?” For a long time, researchers felt that the effects of these bacteria were limited to the mouth. They now realize that the inflammation that these bacteria cause touches almost every organ system in the body. The research has found a connection between gum disease and diabetes, heart disease, some respiratory tract diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and it can even cause complications with pregnancy. At our practice, we do not consider your hygiene appointment as “just a cleaning”. We consider it to be a very important part of maintaining your overall health. Yes, a bright smile and fresh breath are important for self-esteem and acceptance in society but, more importantly they can contribute to a long and healthy life. Please Click here to see a diagram of the areas of the body that can be affected by gum disease.

Fun Dental Trivia

Did you know?
Boar, badger and horse hair were used for toothbrush bristles but were later found to be abrasive and harsh. Please Click here to see Napoleon Bonaparte's toothbrush, silver gilt handle and horsehair bristles, 1795.

My Testimony

In June 2012 while pregnant with my first child I was diagnosed with brain cancer. Needless to say, that really “rocked my world". In all of the hopes and plans I had for my future that was never in my radar. Life changed in a split second, everything I knew was different. I went from being healthy and active to dealing with extreme fatigue from treatment and medication. The only thing in my life that was not shaken was my faith in The Lord. I knew He was in control. I didn’t know what His plan was but I knew whatever it was it would be for His glory, my good, and the blessing of others. I knew a lot of Bible verses in my head but this diagnosis and treatment caused me to have to really apply those words. They provided peace and comfort while I waited for doctor appointments, radiation treatments, days of nausea, many sleepless nights, and what often seemed like endless time in MRI machines. I actually saved many of the verses on my iPhone so I could just read through them wherever I was. I needed to not allow my mind to wander to the “what ifs” and anxieties. I know that everyone has something in their lives that causes anxiety. It may be illness, broken relationships, financial stress, the list could go on and on. I would like to share with you some of the verses that have encouraged and strengthened me as I continue through this journey. I plan to share a verse and maybe just a few words of how it spoke to me. As I mentioned above, I very quickly realized that nothing in this life is under my control. I needed a promise to hold onto. The Holy Spirit led me to the latter part of Hebrews 13:5 where the Lord says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” There was my firm foundation. Regardless of what happened to me, I knew that my God would never leave me. As I meditated on this truth, I realized that not only were these words found several times throughout scripture but the concept and the underlying principle were found throughout the entire Bible. Every night when I put my son to bed, after telling him I love him, this is what I say to him... Daniel Josue, life will be difficult and will frequently seem unfair but always remember that Jesus loves you. He will never leave you. He will always be with you. I want to encourage you today to believe that Jesus loves you and regardless of what is going on around you or to you… Jesus loves you and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Dental Humor

Q. What does the dentist of the year get?
Answer. A little plaque

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